Buyer's Guide

Share your dream - Talk to us!

Get in touch with us to learn more about our projects in detail by sending us a message! Our agents are more than happy to help you create a sweet future with us! You can also opt to browse our online channels.

Imagine your future!

Take a look at one of our projects and learn more about our offers. Scheduling a site trip with one of our sales executives. You may also request for a sample computation, and inquire about our pre-qualification and reservation process while you’re at it!

Secure your future!

Our customer care executives are ready to guide you on the reservation process of your desired project and unit! From the submission of your Buyer’s Information Sheet and other documentary requirements up to the settlement process, they’re your helping hand.

Finally, You are Home!

After your dream home’s full construction and turnover, your sweet life at one of The Hauslands’ neighborhoods begins!

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